Friday, 24 February 2017

Science Fair Update

Here are suggestions for completing the final stretch of Science Fair:

Logbook Dividers could be labelled:

  • Daily Entries
  • Scientific Process
  • Application
  • Reflection
  • Credits
Suggested Order for Logbook:
Title page, table of contents, daily entries, scientific process, application, reflection, credits
*** don't forget page numbers!

Adjusting Documents to Print:
1. All fonts should be very clear!! Suggestions would be Arial or Times New Roman
2. Headings and dates are BOLD
3. Application and Reflection should each be on their own page! 
4. Font sizes should be 14 for documents

Adding Page Numbers:
Option 1: Print everything, and use a pen to write numbers neatly
Option 2: Create a new document, copy and paste all your information into that document, then click insert, page numbers.

1. Make a copy of your Scientific Process document. Call it SF Backboard.
2. Go to FILE--- PAGE SET UP. Change to LANDSCAPE.
3. Adjust sizes of the headings and information, separate onto different pages, etc.
4. Print, cut out (neatly!), mount on construction paper (if that's your plan) and start laying out on your board!!
*** Remember to be aware of the order!! Purpose, Hypothesis, Materials, Method, Observations, Conclusion, Application (variables can go after hypothesis if you'd like, but reflection and research should stay in your logbook)

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Science Fair Backboards

Today in class, we talked about what a backboard needs to have for Science Fair. I am including a picture of a backboard from a few years ago that is really well done. Please focus on simple, information based displays!

Here is a good link for more information on backboards as well!

The Scientific Process should be in order from the left panel through to the right (Purpose, Hypothesis, Materials, Method, Observations, Conclusion, Application). Research, reflections, and credits will stay in logbooks, and Variables can be added if there is room on the board, otherwise it can also stay in the logbook.

We're almost done!

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Science Fair

I have a few students who are saying they have completed their experiments and are ready to continue working on more Science Fair things. They are welcome to start their conclusions (information is in their Science Fair Booklets). I plan on teaching them all about conclusions throughout the week next week as well.

Two other areas the students can move forward on are APPLICATIONS and REFLECTION. Both of these sections can be completed on their Scientific Process Document in their folders.

The Application section requires the student to write about how their experiment applies to real life. The temptation for all grade 5 students is to, of course, answer in one sentence. This is far less than what is expected! I am looking for a paragraph formed answer that should be 5-7 sentences. How is my experiment relevant? What areas of study would it apply to? Why should people care about my experiment?

The Reflection section requires the student to write about their experience with Science Fair. It should cover strengths, weaknesses, and things to consider for next time. Again, the temptation is there for one sentence answers, but please help me encourage your child to think a little deeper and write out a meaningful reflection.

In terms of backboards, students can definitely start planning out what they want to put on them, but I encouraged them not to glue their information on until it has been checked to make sure nothing is missing! Backgrounds, extra pizazz, and title letters can be done now though!

Thank you for all the work you have been putting into this project with your child. I realize it is a big commitment, and it would not be a success without your help!