Monday, 12 December 2016

Science Toy Gallery Walk

Today we did a Science Toy Gallery Walk. It was the highlight of the project for the students! They've been waiting to play with each other's toys for so long! It was a part of the day where you couldn't move without being pelted by a marshmallow from a catapult, and you had to be careful where you stepped from rolling gumballs and bouncy balls, but all in all, activities like these are the ones the students will remember in grade 5!

Monday, 28 November 2016

Science Design Toy Projects

There is no shortage of creativity in 5P! What an exciting morning of building our simple machines toys! The students are now moving on to tackling their tests to see if their designs are sturdy/strong and work consistently. 

The students will be working on presentations for their projects over the next week or so!

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Poppies and Research

We have been busy as usual! The students participated in an art project using oil pastels, and I'm sure you heard the tales of the red hands from all the blending they had to do! The students did a fabulous job! Here are some pictures in case you are not able to see our beautiful art before it comes off the boards...

We also started working on our first major research project of grade 5. The students have each been assigned an Indigenous group, and within that group, 1-2 topics to be researching. Students will be focusing on finding the main ideas of websites and books, putting information into their own words, and recording their sources. When their research is done, the students will meet with their group, and form one essay. It is a very valuable project that teaches useful skills that will be used as they go through Middle Years and Senior Years. 

Below you will see pictures of the groups getting started with choosing topics. I'm looking forward to seeing the students grow in their knowledge and independence as they dig into books and websites to find their own information! 

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Assessment Folders

We are well into our school year, and the students have fallen into the routine of school. Assessment is ongoing in our classroom. Students are constantly finishing up assignments, and it is my goal to ensure there is a fairly quick turn around with feedback and marks on the assignments that are complete.

Seeing as how the students are on devices majority of the day, it can be tricky to ensure parents are getting an accurate picture of where their child is at in their school work. Of course, you are always welcome to go onto your child's drive account and view the assignments we have been working on, but much of the rubrics and assessments won't be found on there. The paper copies will be sent home on a regular basis for you to review in Assessment Folders. 

When an assessment folder is sent home, please look through the contents, sign the front page, and send back to school with all the documents still inside. If you have an questions about this process or about specific assignments, please feel free to contact me! 

Friday, 30 September 2016

Home Reading

Today the students will find their October home reading sheets in their mail slots. The goal for each student is to read (or be read to) 20 minutes a day for 20 days of the month. The benefits of reading as a student are plentiful, and it is also so important for students to hear adults reading to them! Adults reading provide a model of fluency, pronunciation, and expression for students. It also provides an opportunity for dialogue about the story, which is helpful for comprehension.

So, if you can, choose a book, or even a series, and set aside some time to read with your child, as well as encouraging them to read on their own. The pay off will be huge!

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Our First Day of Art

There's really nothing like just getting into messy art! Today we started working on an acrylic paint project. The students were allowed to use only primary colours along with white to mix their colours for their artwork.

The students' art will be on display for the Kick Off BBQ on Sept 22. I hope you can make it out to see some beautiful pieces!

Monday, 29 August 2016


Welcome Parents and Students!

I am very excited to start the new school year, as I hope all you new grade 5 students are as well! Parents, I am looking forward to getting to know all of you. Please feel free to stop in during the first few days to see the classroom or to meet me in person.

I will be using this blog to post all important messages and reminders. It will also be a place to find out daily homework, and often will have links to assignments. Any paper copies of school forms that your child receives will still be going home with them. Please use this blog to refer to for messages and important dates.

I'm looking forward to a great year!